Why a good night SEEP is so IMPORTANT??
Do you have any sleeping disorder? Are you asleep while your lecturer's in the class? Or did you husband, or dog's snoring keeps a good night sleep away from you? If you have trouble with your sleep, you need to do something!! Start today!
While asleep, every system is being fine-tuned reset, cleaned up and restarted. Your immune system is building up, so does your brain relaxes and detoxification occurs. Some toxic can only be removed while we are asleep. So count how many days you missed sleeping and imagine how many toxin accumulating in you. Scary right?
We all know how to sleep and we know how does it feel to have a good night sleep. Imagining yourself, lying down on a fur-soft-like mattresses. The rain is falling and your blanket is there accompanying you. When you wakes up, you are happy, your body is light, look in the mirror, you are beautiful, your skin is soft and you liked almost everything about yourself that day. Have you ever wanted a relaxing morning as a start for a new day?
I went to the library on the fifth floor earlier this morning to study, but my mind could not take it anymore, respiratory, genitourinary and I decided to put my notes aside. I went to a serial collection, there, I found Readest's Digest and I went through it's pages. My mind relaxes, as my fingers flips through pages and pages. There I found peace. You should do the same. In medical we called it diversional therapy.
Therefore, to have a good night sleep, you should put yourself first. Put those chores away, kids should be in bed around 10pm, you should have done with your revision around 10.30pm. Don't watch any late night news, nigtline, or CSI and other movies or TV series regarding those murders or anything that makes you think. What if's--- just put your thought aside. You need to rest. Go to bed, leave everything behind and you will be fine.
Avoid carbonated drinks or caffeines such as tea, coffee, coke or pepsi. Drink milk or eat rice for dinner. Experts believes that rice made you sleep better. You could easily fall asleep. A complete 8 hours of sleeping made you feel great about yourself, also reducing your stress. Put your dog in another room if t annoys you. If your husband snoring annoys you talk to him about it, seek medical help, if he refuses, put him in another room too.
Stay away from electronic devices, e-mails, facebook, and turn off your phone if possible while you are asleep. Buy a new mattresses or pillow if your existing one aren't comfortable enough. Get the best one. You deserves a better rest. Expert says, sex also helps you sleep better. Free your mind and avoid procrastination. Talk to your friends, woman always needs another woman to comfort them, a man always needs his wife's full support when he's down. Take your time and rest.
That is all for now, have a good night sleep everyone! Start your day with a smile. P/s get a new pillow! hehehe Hugs! :)